Management functions are the basic elements that will always exist, and inherent in the management process that will be used as a reference by the manager in carrying out activities to achieve goals. Management function was first introduced by a French industrialist named Henry Fayol in the early 20th century.
In effect the management functions according to some authors can be combined into 10 functions, namely:
In effect the management functions according to some authors can be combined into 10 functions, namely:
1. Forecasting (prediction) :
Activity forecast, projecting to the possibility that will happen when something is done.
Activity forecast, projecting to the possibility that will happen when something is done.
2. Planning :
Determination of a series of actions and activities to achieve expected results.
Determination of a series of actions and activities to achieve expected results.
3. Organizing (organization) :
Grouping of activities to achieve objectives, including in this case the determination of the organizational structure, duties and functions.
Grouping of activities to achieve objectives, including in this case the determination of the organizational structure, duties and functions.
4. Staffing or Assembling Resources (personnel preparation) :
Preparation of personnel since the withdrawal of labor from new, training and development to every officer in an attempt to give maximum efficiency in the organization.
Preparation of personnel since the withdrawal of labor from new, training and development to every officer in an attempt to give maximum efficiency in the organization.
5. Directing, or Commanding (pegarahan or mengkomando) :
Attempt to give guidance and suggestions in the implementation of task orders each subordinate (delegation of authority) to be implemented properly in accordance with the intended purpose.
Attempt to give guidance and suggestions in the implementation of task orders each subordinate (delegation of authority) to be implemented properly in accordance with the intended purpose.
6. Leading : Manager's job to ask others to act in accordance with the intended purpose.
7. Coordinating (coordination) : Aligning tasks or work to prevent chaos and throwing the responsibility of the roads connect, integrate and harmonize the work of subordinates.
8. Motivating (motivation) : Encouragement, inspiration and encouragement to subordinates to do the activities that have been established voluntarily.
9. Controlling (monitoring) : The discovery and application of methods and equipment to ensure that the plan has been implemented in accordance with the objectives.
10. Reporting (reporting) : Submission of the results of the activities of both written and oral.
Management function was first introduced by a French industrialist named Henry Fayol in the early twentieth century 20.Ketika, he mentioned the five functions of management, namely designing, organizing, commanding, mengordinasi, and control. But now, five functions have been condensed into three, namely:
Planning is thinking about what to do with the resources they have. Planning is done to determine the overall corporate objectives and how best to meet that goal.Managers evaluating various alternative plans before taking action and then see if the plan chosen is suitable and can be used to meet corporate objectives. Planning is the most important of all because without a plan of management functions, other functions can not run.
Organizing (organizing) conducted for the purpose of dividing an activity into the activities of smaller ones. Facilitate the organization of the manager to supervise and determine the person required to carry out tasks that had divided them. Organizing can be done by determining what tasks should be done, who should do it, how the tasks are grouped, who is responsible for the task, at which level decisions should be taken.
Direction (directing) is an action to see to it that all members of the group trying to reach the target in accordance with managerial and business planning
When viewed from the implementation of management activities, the management functions including planning, organizing, drafting, direction and control, these are the functions in the company, while the function manager outside the company are:
represent the company in the field trial
take part as an ordinary citizen
make contact with elements of society
Mukhyi, Muhammad Abdul., Imam Hadi Saputro (1995). Introduction to General Management (For STIE). London: University Gunadarma.
Management function was first introduced by a French industrialist named Henry Fayol in the early twentieth century 20.Ketika, he mentioned the five functions of management, namely designing, organizing, commanding, mengordinasi, and control. But now, five functions have been condensed into three, namely:
Planning is thinking about what to do with the resources they have. Planning is done to determine the overall corporate objectives and how best to meet that goal.Managers evaluating various alternative plans before taking action and then see if the plan chosen is suitable and can be used to meet corporate objectives. Planning is the most important of all because without a plan of management functions, other functions can not run.
Organizing (organizing) conducted for the purpose of dividing an activity into the activities of smaller ones. Facilitate the organization of the manager to supervise and determine the person required to carry out tasks that had divided them. Organizing can be done by determining what tasks should be done, who should do it, how the tasks are grouped, who is responsible for the task, at which level decisions should be taken.
Direction (directing) is an action to see to it that all members of the group trying to reach the target in accordance with managerial and business planning
When viewed from the implementation of management activities, the management functions including planning, organizing, drafting, direction and control, these are the functions in the company, while the function manager outside the company are:
represent the company in the field trial
take part as an ordinary citizen
make contact with elements of society
Mukhyi, Muhammad Abdul., Imam Hadi Saputro (1995). Introduction to General Management (For STIE). London: University Gunadarma.
My opinion : management must be properly applied to each step that has been described as above in order to achieve maximum results and satisfaction. to achieve maximum results in the function of good management we run the above stepscorrectly
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Kelas : 1ea27
NPM : 19211402
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